Category Archives: Featured

Confidence is a state of mind….

Christa Dillon, digs into our irrational but often all too real, fears The old adage

Help my horse is bleeding

The Horse Hub asked equine vet Alex Paterson, about blood loss in horses – how

The worst kind of privilege | When is it time to say goodbye?

Sophie Cookson from the BHS ‘Friends at the end’ team, helps us to understand the

Finding the best hay for horses

Briony Witherow discusses the new season's crop and how to find the best hay for

What happens when a horse needs a CT scan?

THH talks to Asto CT about their new standing CT scanner When things go wrong

Atypical myopathy

Briony Witherow, discusses the latest advice and research into atypical myopathy Atypical myopathy (also known

The wall of death! Does your horse hate the vet?

Chris Keate reveals some tough facts when dealing with problem horses  How our horses behave

Does my horse have a horsefly bite or could it be an abscess?

The Horse Hub asks Equine vet Alex Paterson, how to identify and manage horsefly bites

Talking all things equine hygiene – the mares

‘Who knew mares can get beans too – could this be why your mare is

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