Category Archives: Anatomy

Dig deeper into the skeletal and soft tissues that make up your horse

Saddle fitting – why template?

Louisa CUOMO Louisa Maria Cuomo Saddles, explains why she templates every horse and, what it

How to fit a bridle – Understanding the anatomy of the horse’s head

Sue Paine Independent saddler and bridle fitter, discusses how a poorly fitting bridle can impact

What can we learn about our tack choices from a whole horse dissection?

Reproduced from a blog written by Louisa Maria Cuomo, here she describes some of her findings

What is locking stifle in horses?

Ed Busuttil explains what happens when the horse's stifle locks The patellar lock mechanism provides

The stifle

Dr Graham Hunter outlines the anatomy of this vital joint A horse’s stifle is a

Horse anatomy – the neck

Edward Busuttil DVM, CertAVP, PgCertVPS, MRCVS, gives us an anatomic insight into how stability is

The fetlock joint – an overview of equine anatomy

The importance of healthy feet is well recognised for the soundness of our equines but,

Posture vs conformation – in the bones or in the stance?

Chloe Mabbutt, discusses how to assess a horse’s conformation  The difference between posture and conformation is

The horse’s tail

Edward Busuttil asks - is the tail more than just a fly swatter? We have

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