
The Horse Hub

The Horse Hub was created to provide every horse owner with evidence-based, easy to access information, contributed by professionals from across the industry, including, equine vets and nurses, trainers, nutritionists, physios and fitting experts.

Whether an active competitor wanting to optimise performance or, an owner who just wants the best for their horse and to understand health and management best practice, The Horse Hub provides the answers in a clear, well-written and engaging format.

The founder

Equine veterinary editor Chris Keate is a life-long horse owner, whose goal is to improve equine welfare by providing horse owners with unbiased, trustworthy information.

Her writing career began as a feature writer for Riding Magazine, followed by several years as a freelance columnist for Horse & Hound, specialising in health and management subjects.

She spent the next twenty years editing in the equine veterinary world, firstly for B2B journal Horse Health, before moving to set up and edit Equine Health, a journal that bridged the gap between equine vets and other professionals and horse owners. When this journal closed due to the pandemic, The Horse Hub was born.

Email Chris