Category Archives: Performance & Fittening

How to keep a horse hydrated

Briony Witherow, explains how to tell if our horses are well hydrated and why it

Saddle fitting – why template?

Louisa CUOMO Louisa Maria Cuomo Saddles, explains why she templates every horse and, what it

Why is rising on the correct diagonal in trot important?

Eva Marunova BHSAI PgDip BSc (Hons), explains why rising on the correct diagonal is so

Building muscle and condition: the nutritional perspective

Briony Witherow, defines ‘condition’ and outlines how to build muscle Topline is a term commonly

Fittening tips for horses

Spring is in the air and Sophie Pickard is looking at 'dusting off the cobwebs'

One small step for man

Christa Dillon brings a personal aspect to sports psychology Sports psychology has been used to

How do we create lift and impulsion?

BHS performance coach Liz Eaton (BHSI), explains why it’s not all about the engine behind!

Lunging horses

Veterinary Physiotherapist and Equine Coach, Chloe Mabbutt, discusses whether lunging horses should be part of

When equine training goes wrong: The problem of overfacing

In another excerpt from ‘The Sport Horse Problem Solver’ by Eric Smiley FBHS, he looks at

Equine gastric ulcer syndrome – EGUS: the facts

Briony Witherow brings us 10 key facts we should all know about EGUS 1. Equine

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