Category Archives: Diseases & Conditions

All equine diseases and conditions

Vet fees – what are the true costs?

Equine Insurance Broker, SEIB provides cost data on their most frequently claimed for ailments SEIB

Equine immunology – why do we need to vaccinate horses?

Stuart Davies BVSc MRCVS, explains how and why vaccines for horses work As horse owners

My horse has kissing spines – is surgery the only option?

Edward Busuttil DVM CertAVP PgCertVPS MRCVS looks at the alternatives.

Headshaking in horses

Rebecca Watson MSc RVN, looks at the possible causes of headshaking in horses  Headshaking in

RVC research reveals how ageing may contribute to tendon injuries

In an exciting step towards understanding the cells that regulate tendon function and injury, new

Fatal risk of sycamore contaminated hay

The British Equine Veterinary Assocation (BEVA), representing horse vets across the UK, is warning farmers

Strangles in horses – what happens?

Helen Whitelegg, Senior Campaigns Officer at Redwings, begins a series on strangles in horses and

Celebrity riders support strangles ‘Temp Check Challenge’

Five-star eventer Piggy March, top dressage rider Richard Davison and international showjumper Joe Davison are

Study into common cause of abortion in thoroughbred breeding

Researchers at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) have been awarded funding to build on their

New cases of EVH reported in Europe

The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) has issued the following release regarding cases of EHV

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