Category Archives: Veterinary

Colic in horses

Dr Emma Shipman and Dr Julia Dubuc, discuss the causes and prevention of colic in

New equine melanoma treatment available for inoperable areas

The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) Equine Referral Hospital has become the first clinic in the

How to plan a strategic worm control programme

The Horse Hub talks to Westgate Laboratories to find the best approach to deworming our horses

What happens if I don’t deworm my horse?

Rebecca Watson MSc RVN, gives us an insight as to what happens to our horses

What should I put on my horse’s wound?

Stuart Davies BVSc MRCVS, looks at topical wound dressings, why, when and what, should we

What are the types of colic?

Dr Emma Shipman, BVetMed DipACVIM Cert VA MRCVS, University of Nottingham Vet School & Oakham

Oesophageal obstruction – ‘Choke’ in horses

Stuart Davies BVSc MRCVS, explains what happens and what we should do Choke, a colloquial

Colic surgery

Dr Julia Dubuc, DMV, DÉS, DACVS-LA, M.Sc, AFHEA, MRCVS, University of Nottingham Vet School &

How do wounds in horses heal?

Stuart Davies BVSc MRCVS, looks at the healing process Wounds are responsible for significant morbidity

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