Category Archives: Training and Management

Equine training and management

How intelligent is your horse?

Is your horse an equine Einstein? Assess their brain power with Harry Hall’s new intelligence

Why your horse cares about climate change

Ruth Dancer, Director at environmental sustainability specialists White Griffin Ltd, asks ‘why do horse owners

One small step for man

Christa Dillon brings a personal aspect to sports psychology Sports psychology has been used to

Score muscle wastage to help monitor horse health

A new equine muscle wastage scoring guide, co-developed by the SPILLERS™ brand, aims to help horse owners

Confidence is a state of mind….

Christa Dillon, digs into our irrational but often all too real, fears The old adage

Bill to ban animal export for slaughter introduced to Parliament

New legislation to end the export of livestock for slaughter and fattening has been introduced

The worst kind of privilege | When is it time to say goodbye?

Sophie Cookson from the BHS ‘Friends at the end’ team, helps us to understand the

Finding the best hay for horses

Briony Witherow discusses the new season's crop and how to find the best hay for

Win with Spillers™

To celebrate over 7,000 members joining their SPILLERS Slimmer’s Club, the SPILLERS™ brand is giving

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