Author Archives: Chris Keate

The export of horses for slaughter from the UK – still happens everyday!

Despite laws to make it more difficult to export live horses and ponies for slaughter,

What is elephant leg, cellulitis or lymphangitis in horses?

Stuart Davies BVSc MRCVS discusses Elephant leg, cellulite & lymphangitis in horses; and what's going

World Horse Welfare Conference

Never just about working equids in far off countries many people prefer not to think

The worst kind of privilege | When is it time to say goodbye?

Sophie Cookson from the BHS ‘Friends at the end’ team, helps us to understand the

The tragic cost of fireworks

Extra staffing and forage to help protect horses from the adverse effects of fireworks cost

Finding the best hay for horses

Briony Witherow discusses the new season's crop and how to find the best hay for

What happens when a horse needs a CT scan?

THH talks to Asto CT about their new standing CT scanner When things go wrong

Win with Spillers™

To celebrate over 7,000 members joining their SPILLERS Slimmer’s Club, the SPILLERS™ brand is giving

The wall of death! Does your horse hate the vet?

Chris Keate reveals some tough facts when dealing with problem horses  How our horses behave

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